What is a handmade carpet like?

What kind of carpet is a hand-woven machine-made carpet?

To get acquainted with hand-woven carpets and to know how hand-woven carpets differ from other carpets, join us in this article. Each machine-made carpet has two characteristics of reeds (number of roots per square meter of carpet width) and picks (number of roots). Per square meter of carpet length). The higher the density of the machine-made carpet, the fuller and heavier your carpet will be and the more compact the carpet will be, and the higher the reeds width of the carpet will be. Carpets of 700 reeds and above, such as carpets of 1200 reeds and carpets of 1500 reeds, are called hand-woven machine-made carpets (hand-woven carpets). In this article, a complete explanation about the meaning of hand-woven carpets is given in full, which you can read below.

The importance of hand-woven machine-made carpets

So far, you are familiar with the definition of hand-woven carpet and its feature, which is the small role of the carpet. In the following, you will get acquainted with the advantages and benefits of hand-woven machine-made carpets. In general, carpets are divided into two types, namely machine-made carpets and hand-woven carpets. Handmade carpets are very expensive and not everyone can afford them. In the weaving of hand-woven carpets, the weaver weaves a special knot around the warp yarn so that in the hand-woven carpets, the knots knitted by the weaver are tightened and the sleeping yarn is not separated from the carpet in any way. And it does not come out. In machine-made carpets, a surface and U-shaped knot is tied around the warp yarn by the machine and it is strengthened by the glue used in the carpet. Therefore, the machine-made carpet loses these adhesives over time due to washing. It is possible to untie the knots and loosen the carpet, but these changes occur over time and after several years and several times of washing. This is how hand-woven machine-made carpets are very similar to hand-woven carpets, because in these carpets, the yarn is more dormant and makes the carpet stronger, so that if we look behind them, it is very similar to hand-woven carpet knots.

The price of hand-woven machine-made carpets

Hand-woven machine-made carpets are more expensive than other carpets due to their high comb and density. Today, most buyers of machine-made carpets go to Kashan hand-woven carpets, which due to higher durability and resistance than other carpets have had more sales for many years, and a large number of them are sold every year and even exported to other countries. Becomes.