Caring for the roots of the carpet

Care and maintenance of carpet roots

The root of the carpet is one of the most important parts of the carpet and plays an important role in the construction of the carpet. It may have happened to you that you have encountered the problem of tearing or destroying the roots of the carpet. No matter which dark background carpets you choose, the roots of the carpet are still shiny and white and show off, so as a result, whitening and cleaning the carpet roots play an important role in the beauty of the carpet. For this reason, in this article, you will get acquainted with the method of caring for the roots of the carpet, washing the roots of the carpet, whitening the roots of the carpet, and trying to fully understand the key and important points regarding the method of washing the carpet and the maintenance method. Be given to you from the root of the carpet.


Wash and whiten the roots of the carpet

The root of the carpet gets dirty very quickly for various reasons and loses its original whiteness, but the question is how to whiten the root of the carpet, after washing the carpet due to not observing some points of the roots of the carpet yellow and They get dirty and to remove its yellowness, you have to mix some warm water and carpet shampoo and wipe the roots of the carpet from head to toe with a cloth soaked in the solution, and continue this until the roots are white and Be shiny. After washing the carpet root, place it outdoors to dry


Gluing the roots of the carpet

Most people glue it to protect the roots of the carpet, but you should know that gluing the roots of the carpet is wrong and will destroy the roots of the carpet because the glue causes rot and dirt on the carpet and when the glues Remove the adhesive marks on the roots, which not only causes the roots to become dirty, but also causes them to peel off.

So far, you have become familiar with the role of the root in the carpet and its important role in the appearance of the carpet, and you have learned how to wash it, but the best way is to keep the root of the carpet in a natural shape. This means that it is good to take care of the roots of the carpet by folding the roots under the carpet and washing them once in a while to prevent the roots of the carpet from becoming tangled and tangled with a comb. Of course, plastic covers are also suitable for protecting the roots of the carpet.